LBook 2021. Wonderland

Stones Stories


LBook-2021 WONDERLAND is inspired by my favorite book by Lewis Carroll which I used to read with a flashlight under the bed cover at illegally late hours when I was ten.

Precious gems on the way to the center of the earth through the rabbit hole, magic keys to open all doors, the garden of live flowers with a strong opinion...

Imagination and reality are much closer to each other than we think. Before becoming real, everything needs first to be imagined!

Would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first?

Best regards, Olga Leclair

Chapter I.
Near the Center of the Earth

When Alice was falling deep down the rabbit-hole, what did she see? When I was small, I was imagining that on her way "near the center of the earth" she would see beautiful sparkling gems.

Because what else of interest do you see deep inside the Earth?

I make you discover beautiful gems that are not seen often - spinels, tourmalines of different colors, alexandrite.

And, of course, our staples are also there - emeralds, sapphires and diamonds.
Among others, I'm presenting sapphires from the new production mine in Greenland.

Chapitre II.
Clé Magique

"Alice est tombée sur un rideau bas qu'elle n'avait pas remarqué auparavant, et derrière il y avait une petite porte d'environ quinze pouces de haut : elle a essayé la petite clé dorée dans la serrure, et à son grand plaisir elle s'est ajustée !"

Juste comme ça, cette clé ouvre comme par magie toutes les portes fermées. Eh bien, c'est à ça que servent les clés, n'est-ce pas !?

Chapter II.
Magic Key

"Alice came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!"

Just like that, this key magically opens all the closed doors. Well, that's what keys meant for, aren't they!?


Chapitre III.
Le Jardin des Fleurs Vivantes

O lis-tigre , dit Alice en s'adressant à celui qui s'agitait gracieusement dans le vent, je souhaite que vous puissiez parler !

Nous pouvons parler , a déclaré le lis-tigre : quand il y a quelqu'un à qui parler.

Lewis Carroll "Alice de l'autre côté du miroir"

Chapter III.
The Garden of Live Flowers

O Tiger-lily, said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, I wish you could talk!

We can talk, said the Tiger-lily: when theres anybody worth talking to.

Lewis Carroll "Alice Through The Looking Glass"


LOFT.bijoux is an independent jewelry atelier-boutique in Montreal (Canada). We specialize on custom jewelry with precious gemstones. Our gems come from all over the world, our jewels are made locally.

The whole experience, from selecting your gem (a diamond as well as a colored precious stone) to design and production is fully personalized. Priority is given to ethical gems and metals. Our main competences are in sapphires of all colors, emeralds, spinels and diamonds but our jewelers and gemmologists will be happy to help with all your precious demands!

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